Sunday, March 28, 2010

Playing Catch Up

What a crazy week. We will start off with the cats. One morning we could hear crying from across the street and of course, the kids had to investigate. They found three tiny kittens. They had appeared in our neighbors bushes the day before and she didn't know what to do with them. The kids became a little obsessed with them and the next night, the cats moved across the street to our house. That night it was going to get a little chilly so we caught the kittens (which was no small feat) and made them a bed. I spent all the next day trying to find them (in the beginning there were three) a home. I called all the shelters and homes and noone had a place for them. So, Lindsay had the bright idea to try Craigslist. Brilliant!!! Five minutes after I posted the kittens we had found a home for one of them. The next day animal control came and got the others. The kids were crushed...but I am not a cat person and besides, they knew Grandma would never come visit if we had cats.


It was slightly warm and sunny and the kids were begging to go outside and get wet. As a nice mom, I said yes, knowing that in five minutes they would end up like Shea. The boys lasted a littel longer but in the end, jumped inside and asked for hot chocolate.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Thanks for finding homes for those kittens! Love Grandma