Monday, November 17, 2008

It was all my fault

Zachary has adopted the method of screaming to get attention. Sometimes it is fun because he mimicks the kids yells and laughs along with them. Other times, not so cute. Post-dinner is one of those not cute times. He sits in his seat and screams and screams and eventually everyone but good ol' mom has left the kitchen and his screams in search of quieter surroundings. So, the other night I gave Cody the task of keeping him happy. I was absorbed in the dishes and didn't even think that it was strange that Cody was pushing the high chair -with Zachary in it- past me. I was just so happy with the peace and quiet that I was over looking whatever plot was forming in Cody's very "evil" mind. If I could see in his mind I am sure I would have seen the wheels spinning out of control. After a minute or two, I began to hear the giggling in the corner and noticed that Zachary was nowhere to be found. Not just Zachary, but the chair too. Then I noticed that the pantry door was in a not closed not open position. I opened the door and there was Zachary, just as happy as could be, in his little cave. Serves me right for putting Cody in charge.


Emily said...

Hmmm . . . looks like he found his 'happy place!' I'm impressed with Cody's inventiveness!

chrissy said...

Oh my gosh, I'm dying! That's so funny! It's even funnier that he was having a good time alone in there.