Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike came and went

We survived!!! We lost power Friday night at 9:30 and after 21 hours of family togetherness and heat, power was finally restored. The storm didn't seem to be that much worse than what we have had in the past so we are very blessed and lucky that our little part of Houston was sparred. The only damages in our area is mainly downed trees and fences. Everything that people thought they were hiding in their backyards is out in the open for all to see. Makes you think twice about keeping your back yard looking nice! So, all in all we are fine.


Kathryn said...

Glad you're all ok!

Brown Town Mom said...

Nicki found our blog, so we found yours through her! So glad you are all ok. Nothing ever gets that exciting in Albuquerque! We should thank our luck stars, huh?
Take care-hope to see you soon,
Jason and Angela

Beth said...

I have been waiting and waiting to hear from you. I am so glad that you guys are all still in one piece and firmly planted to the ground. We totally got hit by the residual winds and half of the city still doesn't have power. Good times. By the way, I can't believe how big your kids are and if that baby were any cuter I would fly down there and squeeze him.

jwilson said...

I am so glad that you are OK. I almost called your Mom and Dad a few days ago. You and your cute family were in my thoughts and prayers! :)