Wednesday, January 16, 2008

How did I get myself into this?

I have always had a fear of motorcycles. I think they look cool, but I have never and will never ride on one. I swore they would never be part of my life. Then I married someone with two. I have discovered there are more drawbacks to the motorcycles than just danger...there is the upkeep of the bikes. On the weekends that we don't go riding (by "going riding", I mean Steffen, Shea and Alex ride, Cody and I sit and wait until the day is over. Now, you might say, "just stay home." But what would happen if they all crash and I am not there to pick up the pieces?), Steffen spends his Saturday maintaining the bikes. This is a whole new world for me. Now that the kids are getting a little braver and they are ready to push past the riding in circles stage, I find myself dreading the weekends we go riding. It is a long day of stress and sitting. But on the other hand, Alex and Shea love it and it has to do something for their confidence to do something that mom is scared to death to do.

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