Sunday, July 6, 2008

A nail bitin' night - Shea's big day, Part I

Tomorrow Shea embarks on an adventure. She is flying to Utah ALL BY HERSELF. It started out as just an idea and I was perfectly fine with it thinking..."oh, she'll be fine. She can take care of herself." Duh! She is 7!!! Now that the it is pre-flight night, I am starting to get a little nervous. So is she. She told me she won't sleep at all tonight because she is nervous and excited. These are my fears: Will she really get on the plane? What if she has to go to the bathroom? What if the plane has mechanical problems and the plane has to land in Dallas for 4 hours and there is no one to take care of her (supposedly the airline is responsible for that, but what if they forget?)? What if she has to sit by some scary guy? Or, even worse, a nice old lady that just wants to make conversation but Shea is too shy to reply? What if she is just plain scared and there is no one to hold her hand? The only reprise from my worries? She is flying first class. It was the only seat available and all she cares about is that the seat is bigger. So, tomorrow, part II.

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